2022 My reading list this year has been relatively short, hopefully I'll be able to read more over summer! My Reading List: Pump Room,1804 by John Nattes. Stapleton Collection. Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey . Harrap's, 2022. - Northanger Abbey is a commentary on friendship, love, and imagination. And no, it is not "My Little Pony." The main character, Catherine Morland, goes to Bath with her family friend and meets Henry Tilney. Catherine becomes close friends with Eleanor, Henry's sister, and becomes closer to the Tilney family. However, Isabella Thorpe- Catherine's closest friend in Bath- attempts to set Catherine up with her brother John. John is rude and unintelligent, while Henry is smart, kind, and has a lot in common with Catherine. Catherine has to learn who her real friends are throughout the novel. Christenson, Allen J. Popol Vuh: Sacred Book of the Quiche Maya People . University of Oklahoma Press, 2003. - The Popol Vuh is the sacred...