The Vehicles of Buddhism

The Vehicles of Buddhism

Temple containing a branch of Buddha's bodhi tree
Chapters 11 and 12 of Patrick Bresnan's work "Awakening" discuss two prominent schools of Buddhist thought- Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism. Theravada means "teachings of the elders," which implies that this path is the more orthodox of the two. Mahayana Buddhism is more spiritual and focuses on making Buddhism more accessible for those who cannot or do not wish to become monks. Mahayana Buddhism is "more influenced by traditional Hindu beliefs and practices," as opposed to Theravada's strict philosophical teachings (Bresnan 262). 

Theravada Buddhism originated following the death of Shakyamuni Buddha. Many Buddhists feared the decline of Buddhism due to a splintering of beliefs, because Buddhism was practiced in small, isolated communities during this time. So, theoretically, each of these communities could develop their own practices and interpretations of Buddha's word. This would lead to a large divide within Buddha's followers which would lead to the decline of Buddhism altogether. And so, councils convened in order to transcribe Buddha's teachings and the prominent, approved interpretations of these teachings in the Pali Canon.

A set of the Pali Canon in Thai

The Pali Canon, also known as the Tripitaka, was composed at a council meeting, where they compiled the teachings of Buddha. The Tripitaka became the basis for Theravada Buddhism and it is broken up into three major groups that guide Buddhists on how to acquire awakening: sutras, vinaya, and abhidhamma. Sutras are "regulation[s] for the monastic life," vinaya are the teachings of Buddha, and abhidhamma contains discourse surrounding the "doctrinal material from the sutras" (Britannica 4). 

The Pali Canon has helped Buddhism maintain its unity as a philosophy and streamlined it. This fundamental work helped unite the "different 'schools' of Buddhism developed" and "establish a solid orthodoxy based on" it (Bresnan 262). 

The traditional aspects of Theravada Buddhism were what led to the creation of Mahayana Buddhism. Theravada Buddhism favors those who join monasteries, but Mahayana Buddhists were concerned with how a layperson may come to acquire enlightenment. Mahayanists felt that "Theravada tradition [was] too conservative, too rule-bound, too elitist, and too narrow" (Bresnan 264). Thus began the Mahayana movement, determined to integrate their sutras into the canon.

At councils, Mahayanists introduced their new sutras, claiming that they were "passed directly from Buddha to some specially chosen disciples," to be taught when the world was "ready to receive this teaching" (Bresnan 265). Theravadins were not open to these new sutras, causing a split in the schools of thought.  Mahayana, the great vehicle, began to refer to Theravada as Hinayana, the lesser vehicle- meaning that Mahayana was the better method for Awakening.

Theravada Nuns
These two schools of thought are still in practice today, with Theravada prominently followed in Sri Lanka and Mahayana in countries like Japan and China. Despite Mahayanists describing Theravada Buddhism as the lesser of two vehicles, both can help you achieve Awakening, it just depends on your personal needs. A more spiritual person may follow Mahayana while a more rational person may follow Theravada- it is a highly personal decision and knowing the differences can help you make it.

Explanation of the Pali Canon, as given by "The Enthusiastic Buddhist" on YouTube

Works Cited

BRESNAN, PATRICK S. Awakening: An Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought. 5th ed., Routledge, 2018.

EnthusiasticBuddhist. “Tripitaka and the First Buddhist Council.” YouTube, Mindah-Lee Kumar (The Enthusiastic Buddhist), 23 May 2013,

Forbes, Stephen. “The Oldest Historical Tree in the World.” Medium, Medium, 26 Dec. 2016,

“Pali Canon.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

“Pali Canon.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Pathirana, Saroj. “Sri Lanka's Bhikkuni Nuns and Their Fight for Identity Papers.” BBC News, BBC, 22 Dec. 2019,
